ISCPP, within its competence, perpetuates the memory of ISCPP member scientists and other scientists, establishes and awards medals and prizes for outstanding scientific and scientific and technical achievements, including medals and awards named after outstanding world scientists, medals with awards for young scientists and institutions of higher education students.
General Regulations.
In order to reward scientists for scientific work, pedagogical contributions, scientific discoveries and inventions that are important for science and practice, ISCPP awards gold medals and awards named after outstanding world scientists.
Medals are awarded for outstanding scientific work, great pedagogical contribution, discoveries and inventions, or for a combination of works of great scientific and practical importance.
Only individual persons can participate in competitions for medals.
Prizes are awarded for individual outstanding scientific works, discoveries, inventions, as well as for a series of scientific works on a single topic.
Works or series of works on the same subject, as a rule, by individual authors, may be submitted for awards. When submitting works, only leading authors up to three people are nominated.
The right to nominate candidates for medals and prizes is granted to:
- members of the ISCPP Presidium;
- scientific committees of the ISCPP;
- scientific institutions;
- higher educational institutions;
- international learned societies;
- scientists through self-nomination.
The Medal and Prize Commission consists of members of the ISCPP Presidium and/or members of the Organizing Committee of the ISCPP Congress. The awarding of medals and prizes is carried out by closed and secret voting in person or online in the prescribed manner.
Medals and awards are presented at the closing of the annual ISCPP Congress.
Organizations or individuals that nominate a candidate for a medal or award are required three months prior to the opening date of the ISCPP Congress.
Simultaneous submission of two or more nominations is prohibited.
Scientists awarded medals or prizes are given the right to mark in the title «Awarded with a medal (award) named after … ISCPP for … a year» when printing works.
Decisions on the awarding of medals and prizes, as well as brief annotations of works awarded gold medals or prizes, are published on the website
Regulations for the Hans Selye Award.
One scientist can be awarded the Hans Selye Award no more than once in each category. In exceptional cases, the ISCPP Presidium may award one person no more than two times in each nomination. Between the first and repeated awards in the nomination should not be less than two years.
In the event of the candidate’s death after the submission of the application, the Hans Selye Award may be awarded posthumously.
Regulations for the ISCPP Young Scientist Award.
The ISCPP Young Scientist Award is given to young scientists not older than 40 at the close of the ISCPP Congress for presenting their scientific research during the ISCPP Congress.
The ISCPP Young Scientist Award is presented at the closing of the annual ISCPP Congress.
The decision on the number of nominations is made by the ISCPP Presidium, and / or the Presidium of the working sections of the ISCPP Congress, and / or the Organizing Committee of the ISCPP Congress based on the results of the ISCPP Congress.
Scientists awarded the ISCPP Young Scientist Award receive a diploma of the established form.